
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

We are  learning to type

I don't like typing because  you have to type and I don,t like typing. 
I would enjoy typing while listening to music.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Caring for Others

 Caring for Others.

* be nice to others*
*care for them even if they were nasty to you*
* make friends with them*
Here is a slide to tell you about caring for others:

Make them happy. I am going to help people.

Friday, August 5, 2016

this is my animation.

My animation is cold black jaguar, I first stated with the black jaguar. the animation got it name by the black jaguar in the  animation.
it was hard  because it was a lot of work and took a lot of days.


If you don't know how you can be a friend 

try some of these:

Do not wait for others to make friends with you do it yourself.

Be nice  to others.

Try this. hello do you want to play with me?

help them.

You can make friends with anyone. 

Like this fox and kitten. 

I lind you can be friend can with anyone!

I am owas going to be nis to them.

I lint you can be frends with eneone.